Easy Steps for Residents

Climate Change Action Resources

Thinking about climate change may seem overwhelming, but you can click on these links for some easy steps you can take today:

Local Futures     Project Drawdown     Green America     BBC     UCDAVIS     David Suziki     RMI

From the Paul Hawken book Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation:

CAS app for working together with others

Web site with a living list of the solutions in the book


Energy Efficiency Resources

Take any actions you can from the home-energy-saving recommendations on this site

Federal government energy savings hub

VA DEQ summary of financial incentives for energy efficiency and renewables

Dominion small business energy efficiency program and rebates

Dominion residential income-limited energy- and money-saving programs:

HVAC improvements

Home weatherization

This page is a great handbook of how to get started


Resources for residents on solar so they are “smart buyers”: