Electric School Buses

March 2023:  The Federal Transit Authority has opened their application window for the Low and No-Emission Vehicle and Bus Facilities funding programs.  FTA is partnering with the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation to offer new technical assistance to transit agencies shifting their fleets from diesel vehicles to low- and no-emission buses and ferries.  This new program, made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will support transit entities as they transition to battery electric, hybrid, or hydrogen fuel cell technology that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and prepares the transit workforce with new skills and expertise.

Much of the information related to conversion of fleet vehicles is applicable to electric school buses.    Grants and incentives for electric school buses are constantly changing so it is essential to check on the latest programs before ordering new school buses.  A good way to find current information on programs related to electric school buses is to check with the Mid-Atlantic Electric School Bus Experience Project (MEEP).  Virginia Clean Cities’ Sarah Stalcup-Jones is MEEP coordinator for Virginia.  She can be reached at sstalcupjones@vacleancities.org; (540) 212-4143. 


Virginia is spending more than $10.5 million in funds from the Volkswagen “Dieselgate” settlement to replace 83 diesel buses in 19 school divisions with electric or propane-fueled buses. The money will be used to cover the price difference between diesel and alternatively fueled buses. The biggest award will go to Fairfax County, which will receive 10 electric school buses at a cost of $2.65 million. 

Electric school bus replacements will accelerate with the passage of the bi-partsan infrastructure package, which will make available $2.5 billion for zero-emission school buses.